7 Common Future “Problem Signs” Overlooked During The First Date

Meeting Mr. Right can be hard and if you are looking for a long-term relationship, you should be ready to face many first date deal-breakers. But don’t be upset, because this experience will help you find the right guy down the road. Don’t waste your time on the wrong guys, check out 7 first date deal breakers.


1. Stories about the “EX”

The most annoying thing that is an instant deal-breaker on a first date is when they tell stories about the exes. I think it is better to speak about the prospect of our relationship than about the shortcomings of his ex. I want to be the main figure of his attention on our first date. By all means, the ex is off-limits on a first date. When I face an ex conversation, I leave the guy at once.

2. He is late

One of the biggest deal-breakers is a late appearance of your gentleman. Surely, people can get in different situations and I do understand that unexpected delays sometimes take place, but if it has happened without any explanation, you should be on the alert about this fact. It usually means that the guy is very light-minded with your relationship. If you are greatly impressed by the date with him, you should check his coming in time next date.

3. Dating etiquette

I’m not a chronic aesthete, but he should have good manners. I think no one would like to date a person who doesn’t have any manners. It is terrible to see him chewing with the mouth open and receive only monosyllabic sounds or answers to questions. A first date is an opportunity to show your best self, but not behave like a monkey. When guys complain about the menu prices all the time, they show how cheap and inexperienced they are. He should have at least basic manners if he wants to win your heart on a first date.

4. A drinker

I usually stick to the One Glass Rule. One cocktail can help you relax and remove stress, but I think everything should be within reasonable limits. Getting drunk is not a turn on and completely inappropriate. Someone tries to relief a first date jitters with a help of alcohol, but it’s not the best solution. If you don’t want to end up calling a cab, because your gentleman is completely drunk, you should find your own ride home.


5. Respect

Disrespect is a terrible deal breaker in all spheres of life. All relationships are based on respect and mutual understanding. When you are put in a very awkward position by your guy during your first date, you should make conclusions and realize that such relationship has no future. The guy should respect you vision of the world and boundaries as well. It often happens that people are incompatible. You just need to understand the nature of this person, if you don’t want to be treated without respect in future.

6. Self-absorbed

When I go on a date, I’m greatly interested in the guy. Sometimes it turns out that I feel like a journalist interviewing a man. It doesn’t mean that he should talk a lot on our first date, but I want the conversation to be interesting and easy. I’d like to hear what he wants to say. However, I want to know that the guy is interested to ask questions too. It’s a real problem if the guy is too self-absorbed.

7. Appearance

First date is the time to put your best self forward that’s why both guys and ladies should care about appearance enough to present nicely. It is not necessary to wear expensive clothes, but guys should care enough to dress up delicately. He should smell good and look nice. Those self-confident guys who have a style can easily win the heart of any lady, because they have a magical power to impress.

First dates are one of the most memorable events that will stay with you for the rest of your life. You should be very attentive and reasonable if you want to be surrounded by a wonderful man. Listen to your heart. What first date deal breakers are the most terrible for you?


Don’t you just feel bad when you already had your day planned and circumstances take a better part of it. These things just never go as planned.

Things such as a D’banj event. It should have been noted in my subconscious when we were told the event was slated to start at 7pm. Maybe I was giving them the benefit of a doubt? What was wrong with that? After all, it’s his 10th year in the industry, everyone should be eager to celebrate him enough to be early? No?

That’s was what I thought when I arrived the scene and it was scanty. Typical, so it wasn’t such a big deal. In an hour or two or three, things should get better and people should turn up? So I thought. I’m sure at this juncture a lot of people are wondering what I was expecting, this is what is obtainable at Lagos events. Right? You’ll know in a bit.

The choice of event is still bewildering to me. What is D’banj’s love for sand? He seemed to have registered a thing for it since his last event. Going in from the carpet to the venue became a journey on its own. Something of a deja-vu. Only thing that made it better and different was the distance.

Having finally made it to the venue, I looked around, a couple of guests had started arriving. Celebrities, not actual guests who purchased the tickets that started at 20,000 for regular. Which really, if you are a die hard – and more emphasis on die hard – you know the rush that comes when you know you’re about to attend a Cold Play event and you’d pay anything for it kinda situation, it’s shouldn’t be a big deal to get. But not when it was announced barely days to the event.

The vast majority of the crowd were made up of media crew. At a point, they started interviewing co-presenters. Do you blame them? They have to make up for content somehow. With one guest by the hour, it was impossible to work with. The red carpet became more active by 12am. And when I say active I mean, the number had increased from one to two and three.

When I heard a ten year anniversary celebration, I pictured an O2 Arena kind of gathering for a kick off. Even made better and confirmed when it was revealed ex-stripper, Amber Rose was headlining the event.

So imagine my surprise.

Every other thing went in a blur as time passed with nothing going on except a lot of bored people showing off their frustrations at 1am standing around doing nothing.

The interior, though small looked really well decorated with dazzling ornaments. The stage well lit in anticipation of what should be happening but isn’t. People littered the corners sipping on drinks provided with the exchange of a voucher going for 3,000naira. For a 10 year anniversary apparently D’banj didn’t want a mammoth crowd hence his choice of venue.

Then the moment came when people started leaving. Managing Director of Diamond Bank, Uzoma Dozie probably didn’t stay up to 11pm before he took his leave. Followed by some other people. First in their twos, then threes. Just as they had come.

Then somewhere between 1:50 and 2am, there were loud sirens and a lot of chaos and we knew the hosts for the show had arrived and finally too.

The moment Amber Rose had arrived on the red carpet much to the delight of the photographers who didn’t eventually get a good shot and swore under their breathes later, the show had begun for some and ended for most. As they had finally achieved why they came.

All this while, no one noticed Sheyi Shay arrive in the midst of the ruckus.

Even at that the show didn’t really kick off till much later into the morning. What baffled me though was that aside some celebs such as Teebillz and Tiwa Savage (who arrived the venue separately by the way), Ice Prince, Wizkid, Davido and some new acts, no one from the beginning of his 10 year professional career showed up to celebrate the supposed icon in the industry regardless of any existing rift.

That’s how the cookie crumbled for Bangalee.